

How It Works

Glo in 4 Simple Steps

Take a Selfie

Capture a clear, well-lit photo of your face without makeup or filters

Get Your Score

Our AI analyzes your skin's health using research-backed assessment methods[1]

Track Progress

Monitor your skin's improvement over time with detailed metrics

Regular Updates

Take photos daily to see how your skincare routine impacts your score

Our Scoring System

We analyze your skin across 10 key categories, each scored from 0-10 points, for a total possible score of 100 points. Click on any category to see detailed scoring criteria.

Crow's Feet, Forehead Lines, and Eye Bag Wrinkles

0:Deep, prominent wrinkles in all areas.
2:Noticeable wrinkles in multiple areas, but not extremely deep.
4:Mild to moderate fine lines across some areas.
6:Mild wrinkles in a few areas, mostly fine lines.
8:Barely noticeable fine lines.
10:No visible wrinkles or lines.

Understanding Your Score

90-100Excellent skin health with minimal concerns
80-89Very good skin with minor improvement areas
70-79Good skin with noticeable areas needing attention
60-69Moderate skin concerns needing improvement
Below 60Significant concerns requiring comprehensive care

[1] Our assessment methods are derived from the IBSA (Institut Biochimique SA) Composite Skin Quality Scale. However, Glo does not offer medical advice or diagnosis. The skin score is for educational purposes only. Consult with a qualified dermatologist or healthcare professional for any skin concerns or conditions.